Saturday, July 17, 2010

6 weeks PRE ANGIO Symptoms & how I am now

- If I am supporting myself with a wall, balance is pretty awesome. No wall, it is okay as long as my feet are splayed and my eyes are wide open. As soon as I close my eyes, I list to one side and fall over :(

- Eyes are not clear, a "film" over them; I don't drive as it doesn't feel quite safe.

- Use my walker full time at work and around the house. Until I had a fall about 4 weeks ago, I did not use the walker in the house, but now I realize my safety is so important.

- As long as I get a minimum of 8 hours per night, I function okay. But I still need a nap later in the day if I plan on doing anything in the evening..:(
- If I don't get to sleep by nine in the evening, I get overtired and then have a heck of a time falling asleep (last night I ended up staying awake until around 2AM)

- I won't know what it is like to be pain free. I am constantly in one sort of pain or another, whether it is a feeling of my body being held in vice grips, I ache. I can only hope that angio makes the pain disappear, or at least abate..

Mental Accuity
- Well this has been called into question by my current employer, and maybe I am not as sharp as I was 1 year ago, but in relation to my job it is really just apathy - they cut my hours & wage by $4.00 per hour and still expect me to get everything done. And to boot, our lovely head of HR tells me that the senior staff did not get the reduction in hours/wage, and SHE got an increase as well. Then the move my office UPSTAIRS (we have an elevator) now they are putting me on disability. You see, when they cut my wage I stopped going in on Saturday's, I didn't make enough before and I certainly don't make enough now TO WORK FOR FREE!! Piece of S**t company, used to be good, but now they are nothing but douche bags - every one of them, and it not just me that says this... :)